
Prep time:
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1 Rating
The best summer side dish!


  • 2 eggplants
  • 1 localeaves Basil Genovese
  • 0.5 localeaves Thyme
  • 200 g feta (grated)
  • 500 g canned tomato concasse
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. For the eggplants preparation:

    1.Preheat the oven to 180 oC.
    2.Coin slice the eggplants about 0.5 cm each slice.
    3.Line a baking sheet in the baking tray and place the eggplant slices creating one layer.
    4.Slightly brush olive oil on the eggplant slice with a cooking brush. Add salt.
    5.Roast the eggplant slices for 10 minutes or until they soften.
    6.Repeat the process for the remaining slices.
  2. For the tomato sauce:

    1.While your eggplants slice are in the oven, prepare the tomato sauce.
    2.Put a sauce pan on medium heat and add a few drops of olive oil. Sauté the garlic.
    3.Lower the heat and add the canned tomato concasse.
    4.Add the thyme leaves.
    5.Let the sauce simmer for 15 min or until it thickens.
    6.Chop and add the basil Thai leaves.
    7.Adjust salt and pepper to taste.
  3. For the eggplant towers assembly:

    1.Preheat the oven to 180 oC.
    2.Line a baking sheet in the baking tray and place the wider eggplant slices at the bottom.
    3.Add tomato sauce and grated feta in between each layer of the eggplant towers.
    4.Bake for 15-20 minutes.
    5.Decorate your towers with some fresh basil Thai and thyme leaves on top.